The elusive returns?

Posted by proxzee on 30. Des 2014

Hello my name is Toby or as you may of heard of me as Proxzee, and unless you've been here for a while you've likely only heard of me in blog posts. I've been with CDT since the beginning and even with this great bunch of misfits long before that. At the age of 23 its strange thinking back and realising that I have known some of these people for at least a third of my life. Nowadays I'm an elusive beast to catch I long on ever week or so for a couple of hours just to keep an eye in, generally logging on for an hour or 2 at stupid o'clock in the morning hiding myself in a little used channel and carrying on with whatever I was doing. If u do see me hovering around feel free to come say hello as its very unlikely I will move from my own little bubble.

The reason im little seen anymore is due to work my partner and keeping in touch with a lot of my friends via the games we play together. I would drag them on here but sadly a few of there first experiences with CDT were with a certain American with a talent for getting to people. It is also little helped by my lack of enjoyment of dota 2 and that im one of the only people on the LoL eu servers so there is little for me to play with u guys nowadays, but that wont stop me creeping around in and out of ts spying from my own little world when no one is watching.

Over the years ive seen this Clan grow every time I vanish and then check in a few weeks later the list of you that I don't know grows with it. which is sad for me as someone that doesn't play a lot of the games the clan plays anymore its very hard to find an introduction, which I guess is what this is, a way to reintegrate myself into CDT society. Then again maybe not I've always been the guy that will vanish for moths on end and then show up out the blue an I will likely do it again.

I have had great times with this clan and many great memories from my elephant rush rome army that won me 3 rounds of a tournament until gummy ruined my whole plan with one squad of pigs.
the list of banned Dota characters and running in killing 4 people only to spent the next 30 seconds asleep because of that dam purple turd yeah im talking to you MG. to playing LoL with connor and his insistence that ap master yi would never work.

I apologise for my shockingly bad grammar. and I hope that when you see me on you'll come say hello

5 Years and still watching you Proxzee



  • Teddzz

    great ^_^...

    28 January 2015
  • MGMT

    nice :D

    24 January 2015
  • CaesarRex

    Welcome back there Mr Prox

    30 December 2014

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