3v3 Mid Only Annual Tournament
Posted by CaesarRex on 1. Apr 2014

And so it begins, with 33 players from around the world. Who will be crowned winner.
If you have not read the rules please do so... a few pointers to getting your games out of the gate.
Picking needs to be done swiftly so start your game with a plan. Remember the picking order. (1-2-2-1)
Each team gets 15 seconds (total of 1 minute for all picks on both sides) to make their picks... that is more than enough time if you had a plan to start with.
Duplicate heros are allowed, so make sure you plan carefully as your strategy could backfire. Personally I hope all hell breaks loose as we see 3 earthshakers stunning a few invokers into next Wednesday.
I know a few teams have byes and some might feel the randoming could have been worse but it is all for fun, there is no better prize than having a good laugh and failing miserably as you continue to run straight into the 5 second stun arrow...
So lets get out there and finish this up quickly... play your games asap and put up your scores. To minimise the amount of time taken you only get one game, its not best out of 3, if you loose you move to the loser bracket. If you win try - move forward.
Subs are allowed and do not need to be a part of your team. They just need to be cleared by the admins (Wr[A]th, ConnorBS or CaesarRex) and the game can continue. Subs will need to be taken from the 'Sub Pool' and if possible match the location of the player.
First team in the game chooses sides and server choice is dependant on majority vote. Some games will be casted and recorded. So enjoy and have fun. If you need any help just let us know.
Well ceasar i hate to tell you this...but you wil play against us sooner then u think
04 April 2014 -
maybe you should play your match so you can lose and then maybe meet me in the finals from the loser bracket...
02 April 2014 -
you are now a reserve... so if someone needs a reserve they can ask you along with anyone else not in a team...
01 April 2014 -
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