Gunslinger leads Entropy to a solid 8 points in week 1

Posted by CaesarRex on 7. Feb 2014

With week 1 finished for Entropy they managed to secure the full 8 points by defeating CCG Frozen and NerV Gaming.  It was definitely a happy day for the captain as he managed a total of 31 Kills over the four games played along side Fudge who averaged 10 Assists per game.  

Things are heating up as Fulcrum go 1 for 1 in the first week while we wait on Ergo Proxys' second game to be played on Sunday.  The team with no name has their only game for this week, scheduled for Sunday as well and we are looking forward to seeing what they can pull out of the bag.

A big thanks to our sponsors Bloc and Clearly IT during our first week in the DGL.



  • Connor BS

    Lets hope they can keep up the momentum!

    09 February 2014
  • Teach

    Wp guys!

    07 February 2014
  • Phenixe

    Congrats guys, we are one big happy family and here to support each other Clan Dream Team is the best we starting very early to dominate in games lets keep it up and to all the Captains good luck with the games to follow

    07 February 2014
  • CDT | Meth

    Congrats guys, we all knew you would do us proud. Here's to the captain. Big up Gun

    07 February 2014

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