Discussion » Other Games » (Giveaway) Dead Island: Epidemic

  • Re-l Mayer
    Re-l Mayer wrote:
    Helloo guys, I have 3x Dead Island: Epidemic, and i would like to gift them.
    Everyone who posts on this thread will be applied to the contest, then i will use random.org for the winners.

    The contest ends on monday.

    Good luck!
  • Teach
    Teach wrote:
  • InsaneHobo
    InsaneHobo wrote:
  • Re-l Mayer
    Re-l Mayer wrote:
    Not much people have joined the contest, so i have counted the ones who have commented from the live feed (Connor, MGMT, Rex). 

    And sorry Hobo, you are to late... :(

    The winners are: Teach, MGMT and Connor!
  • Re-l Mayer
    Re-l Mayer wrote:
    Okay, MG is not accepting the game (because his PC cant handle it) so i re-rolled it.

    The winner is: Hobo!

    you are pretty lucky tho :)

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