Discussion » Dota 2 » CDT official team

  • Wabbachlen
    Wabbachlen wrote:
    So i have this idea of 1 strong team made entirely from CDT members.

    Since i am not able to play atm i would like to coach that team, shcedule their practice and organize their scrims.I would be a coach and a manager of that team.

    I had some players in mind but there is some people in cdt that i still dont know and havent played with them.

    If anyone is interested just contact me on this thread or on steam.

    I would also like the approval and blessing from CaesarRex on this :D

    The following players are Instapick for the team if the are interested:

    InsaneHobo - Best player cdt imo
    ConnorBS - Awesome support just idk if interested in competitive
    Teach - Also one of the best players but his schedule sucks

    Honorable Mention:
    Transmission Man - Great player imo but he despises trilanes, havent seen him online for some time :D

  • InsaneHobo
    InsaneHobo wrote:
    Don't listen to him he doesn't have internet!

    I will play if it's a clan team, no prob.
  • Wabbachlen
    Wabbachlen wrote:
    i have internet :P 
  • CaesarRex
    CaesarRex wrote:
    I know Teach and 420 are busy with a team... chat to them.  
  • InsaneHobo
    InsaneHobo wrote:
    Connor is 420? Nice!
  • Teach
    Teach wrote:
  • CaesarRex
    CaesarRex wrote:
    420 is a new member... 

  • Wabbachlen
    Wabbachlen wrote:
    Ferrari 420 - close enough, anyway if anyone is interested you know where to find me ;)
  • Wr[A]TH
    Wr[A]TH wrote:
    i school teach :P  but yeah there are teams up alrady
  • Connor BS
    Connor BS wrote:
    The real question is, has Connor ever talked over 420? maybe it's him with an accent! It's a conspiracy, maaaaaannnnnnn.
  • InsaneHobo
    InsaneHobo wrote:
  • Wabbachlen
    Wabbachlen wrote:
    Lets be realistic now Wrath, yes we do have teams which may or may not be good i wont discuss that but here i am talking about a cdt allstars team which will represent cdt in some of the more know tournaments like Starladder, JDL, ESL eizo, bigpoint and etc.

    For now InsaneHobo, Teach, ConnorBS, and 420 are eligible from what i saw if they can work out the roles... Although 420 still has a lot to learn...
  • Teach
    Teach wrote:
  • `phiz|x
    `phiz|x wrote:
    i doo have alot to learn, all the names, nicks etc :)
  • Wr[A]TH
    Wr[A]TH wrote:
    i would like to see how u play wabbachlen
  • Wabbachlen
    Wabbachlen wrote:
    Well sure :D we can play an inhouse i guess, or maybe you want to 1v1 me? :D

    And since i see that you get easily offended Wrath, i will explain something to you:

    We are in this clan for more then 2 years and know each other very well, just with them i played more games then the total of your games.

    So what i want to say is that i know their skill level and how/when they play.

    As for zebrasnake420 i played against him in an inhouse, we won only because their storm disconnected and i could clearly see that he is not a beginner. 
  • CaesarRex
    CaesarRex wrote:
    yeah that was not the 420 I was referring too...

    Teach has indicated he is busy with a new team
  • Teach
    Teach wrote:
    chlenix you havent played with most of us lately, you hardly know our skill level, you dont even know the names of the new guys ^^
  • Wabbachlen
    Wabbachlen wrote:
    I was referring to the people i listed above, and your skill level is same as 2 years back ;) KAPPA
  • Teach
    Teach wrote:
    2 years back i didnt even play dota 2 :D
  • Wabbachlen
    Wabbachlen wrote:
    bump i guess, planning to have a team ready by the end of may!
  • Teddzz
    Teddzz wrote:
    I want to play with you guys.. BTW can I put CDT on my profile now? I'm new here... and i played with Teach, ZebraSnake420 and whateverlastingfire... and I want to be a part of this clan..

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